Lexi Humm (Amma devotee) on child-like mind


Amma recently has been emphasizing again and again the importance of child-like innocence while on the spiritual path. Amma reminds us that we see the world not as it really is, but as our mind set is. But with little children, they have no ego, no preconceptions. They see the world entirely different from us adults (do I count as an adult yet?). 

Amma explains that it is this emptiness inside that is very important on the path. Having childlike innocence is being free from the past and from preconceived notions. And it is this that makes us more soaked in awareness.

But in order to attain this innocence, one must evoke the heart. Amma often says that in today’s time, we have built up the intellect and forgotten about the heart. The intellect is like a pair of scissors, it cuts everything up. But the heart is like a needle and thread, and sows everything together.”

In order to embody childlike innocence, Mother always emphasizes having the attitude of the beginner, knowing that we are here to learn respect towards all of creation. In addition to this sense humility, one must also practice patience to acquire the knowledge and uphold enthusiasm to learn. “Its only by becoming a zero one truly becomes a hero.”

Lastly, Mother talks about how children naturally practice the precepts “forgive and forget”. Two children may fight, cry, and the moments later resume their antics. As aspirants, we too mustn’t keep much in the mind, and let go of grudges of the past. This is why we persist in our daily sadhana - to clear our mind of all these impressions, that ultimately imprison and color our minds.

So, what can you do to bring out the child within? I am currently picked up a book about wizards, dragons, and magic! What about dancing to some feel good songs in your room? Hug a tree? Forgive a friend? Enjoy your favorite tea as the sun sets? Mmm… its always the slowing  down to enjoy the small stuff that pops right out of my head and back to the head… (well, most of the time ;) ).

May the child within us all feel safe to dance and play and sing and dance! 

Om Namah Shivayah. 
